GDSC (Google Developer Student Clubs) are student-led, Google supported, hubs of engineering in the local community, working with students and local partners to drive innovation and the use of Google Technologies to make real world impact.
In the 2021/22 academic year, I brought the GDSC program to the University of Portsmouth for the first time, leading the club alongisde a core team of other students who I selected based on their skills.

We split the club into two series of events which ran alternatively each week. One series focused on Engineering based topics, such as the Web, Artificial Intelligence, and DevOps.

The other series involved an Entrepreneur in my core team covering the Business side of the tech industry, focusing on topics such as UI/UX, Figma, and Market Research.

Throughout the following year we ran many events following the Google Handbook, giving students at the University a place to learn key skills that relate to Engineering, and having an opportunity to use them.

We also hosted some fun events, such as Hackathons. The Christmas themed HACXMAS was an online Hackathon joint hosted by various GDSC groups from across the British Isles.

Our neighbouring club in Southampton also joined us for a semi-competetive Hackathon with prizes to finally decide which of the Hampshire cities was best..... They won ....

(But I grew up in Southampton so I get some of the glory!!!)

Creating, and then managing, a community of Students within the University helped me learn a lot about leadership, events management, and communication. We worked with a variety of partners over the year, including the University, Yotta Solutions, and the local MPs from Portsmouth.

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